

Bett 2024 offered an enriching CPD program featuring renowned guest speakers and providing opportunities for showcasing and discussing ideas with peers. A standout addition to Bett 2024 was the Table Talks program. This initiative connected individuals from schools, universities, and government bodies based on their primary areas of interest, such as Artificial Intelligence, Student and Teacher Wellbeing, Cybersecurity, and SEND/Inclusion.


Action Mats, the company with the universally-understood activity mats, launches Action Maths and Mini Maths to bring teacher-written active learning, to their range of resources. 


SolarNet was formed in 2006 and we focus on automation engineering, network architecture, design, security controls, incident response as well as providing IT consultancy and a breadth of cyber security services.

Our team consists of people who have a great depth of knowledge and expertise covering a wide spectrum of skills from:


Interactive technologies to support each and every school


In October 2023, Exa proudly celebrated its 20th anniversary, two decades of dedicated service in providing internet solutions tailored for education. As a company that genuinely cares about the well-being and success of schools, Exa has consistently demonstrated its commitment to delivering high-quality internet connectivity and essential security services.