Ofsted launches surveys to social care providers

Schoolboy in tie writing at a desk

Ofsted has launched its annual point-in-time outline surveys for several social care providers. 

The providers that Ofsted are seeking responses from are: residential special schools, further education colleges with residential provision, children’s homes, fostering agencies, adoption agencies, adoption support agencies, residential family centres, boarding schools, and supported accommodation. This ensures that Ofsted can receive responses from everyone in or involved with social care, including children, learners, parents, foster carers, staff, social workers, and other related professionals.

These responses will help to inform future inspections to ensure a holistic picture of the country’s experiences with these providers. They will help Ofsted know when best to inspect these services, to decide what to focus on when inspecting, as well as help Ofsted build a bigger picture of how children in care are supported across England.

These surveys are set to close on 23rd March 2025.

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