Nearly a third of parents say that their child’s school travel has been impacted by funding cuts

New NFER analysis reveals that a teacher pay increase of 6.5 per cent in 2023/24 is unlikely to make a significant overall difference to long-term teacher supply on its own.

The DfE has updated reading guidance to cover Key Stage 2 and 3 to help schools improve reading for all pupils so they leave primary as confident readers

Pupils meeting the government’s expected standard in reading, writing and maths SATs remained unchanged this year at 59 per cent, DfE data shows.

Teacher, author and activist Hon. Dr Stuart Lawrence has launched a nationwide programme for primary schools which can improve the reading age of struggling young readers

A new funding scheme has been launched in Scotland offering up to £20 million in grants to support the public sector, including schools, decarbonise their buildings.

The Foundation for Education Development (FED) report recommends that there should be an independent governing body to oversee the development and implementation of a long-term plan for education.

An experiment to see if teachers could distinguish between AI and student generated content has found that (60%) of the teachers involved struggled to distinguish between AI and student written content.

A new report, ‘Transitions to Employment’, shows how businesses can work with schools and colleges to benefit the future prospects of young people.

The Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza, has expressed her concerns about lack of support for children with Special Educational Needs in mainstream education.

Eighty-seven per cent of primary school teachers are calling for more education on plastic pollution within the national curriculum.

Eighty-nine per cent of ITT providers think that greater opportunities for flexible working would attract more applicants to the sector, a survey by NASBTT shows.
