School leaders union ASCL has said it does not support Ofsted’s school visits this autumn, saying they would put too much pressure on schools even though they are not an inspection

Up to a third of local areas in England risk being oversubscribed for secondary school places within five years, leaving almost 80,000 young people and their families at risk of missing out on a place.

Over 2,800 schools who have signed up to be early adopters of the revised Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) will be able to use the new curriculum guidance

The findings of the Zurich research has led the company to launch a parliamentary petition to urge MPs to change the law on sprinklers in schools.

Nine out of 10 teachers believe that schools will see a rise in pupil mental health concerns as students adapt to school life after six months.

Ofqual has confirmed exams will go ahead next year and could look at online tests as a back-up plan in the event of a lockdown.

Guidelines on when children should be kept at home and get tested for Covid-19 has been published in Scotland to provide clarity to parents and schools.

Ofsted visits will be based around constructive discussions with the school or college leaders, and will not result in a grade.

Modeshift STARS is inviting schools across the country to create a ‘walking bubble’ for families, placing parking and driving restrictions around a five-minute radius of the school

The government has announced £111 million to support school and college leavers at risk of becoming unemployed, to do a fully funded optional extra year of study.

“Our Schools Now” is a campaign to include public sexual harassment as part of PSHE/RSE lessons in schools, with a wide range of resources for teachers and students to use

Entries have opened for the National Apprenticeship Awards, which showcase the apprentices and employers who have gone above and beyond during challenging times
