A new research programme aims to inform how cricket and the outdoors can support students struggling with anxiety, engagement and/or behaviour at secondary school.

Funding of almost £64 million will help schools in Northern Ireland manage Education Authority pressures, COVID-19 pressures and provide free school meals.

The wearing of face coverings on all dedicated school buses and public transport will be mandatory for all post-primary children in Northern Ireland when schools reopen next week.

The well-being and mental health of teachers in England is similar to those in other professions, and teachers are less likely to report feelings of ‘low self-worth’, according to new Nuffield-funded research

Next year's GCSE exams in Wales should be cancelled, with grades awarded based on coursework and common assessments, qualifications Wales has said.

Analysis by the EPI shows that in areas with the highest rates of the virus such as the North West, as many as four in ten secondary pupils were unable to attend school during October.

Road Safety Week, run by road safety charity Brake takes place from 16-22 November 2020, gives schools the chance to raise awareness about road safety.

An alliance has been set up aimed at tackling the issue of digital poverty and ending digital poverty for all, particularly for disadvantaged children.

A holiday hunger super kitchen - based on an Indian concept, has been opened in Watford, and will serve children at risk of holiday hunger this October.

The amount of money the government spent on a PPE contract for unusable face masks could have all but paid for free school meals until next Easter, new analysis by Labour reveals.

Following a prolonged period of time away from the classroom, Childcare.co.uk has worked with its tutors to identify the top skill gaps in children aged 7 to 18 years old.

Henry Dimbleby, who leads the government's national food strategy, said a better way of dealing with the issue of free school meal provision during school holidays is to enable holiday clubs to provide meals for disadvantaged children.


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