Ofqual has launched a new interactive visualisation which brings together main trends from official statistical publications in one place.

The winners of the Education Resources Awards 2021 (ERAs) were announced via an online awards ceremony, hosted by TV comedian Zoe Lyons, on Friday 21st May 2021.

A new poll conducted by TES has revealed that just 22% of teachers felt well prepared by their Initial Teacher Education to approach mental health and emotional wellbeing.

Ofsted has published the third in a series of reviews into different subjects across the curriculum, this time looking at mathematics education.

Ofsted has released findings of its first evaluation of the education inspection framework (EIF), based on a small-scale study and survey of small school leaders.

The eight-week cosultation includes further draft guidance and a code for teaching Relationships and Sexuality Education and Religion, Values and Ethics.

The DfE has announced a further £8m to support young people in Alternative Provision at risk of unemployment or dropping out of education through mentoring, pastoral support and careers guidance.

£2.1 million from the government will allow charity Living Streets extend its Walk to School Outreach programme to more than 1,000 primary schools across the country.

A total of £118 million for disadvantaged pupils could be lost from school budgets in England this year due to a government change in how Pupil Premium funding is calculated, a new survey by the LGA reveals.

A large majority of parents (87%) think that their child’s school has handled the pandemic well, according to an Ofsted survey. 

The Department is providing £800,000 in setup funding towards a pilot of five new Catholic multi-academy trusts and two new Church of England trusts to provide more church schools the opportunity to join strong trusts.

Four areas have been chosen to benefit from £10 million funding to help schools join strong acadmey trusts to drive up standards
