Free period product scheme for schools extended

The government has extended its fully funded scheme providing tampons, pads, and menstrual cups and other environmentally-friendly products.

New measures announced to reduce pupil absence

New expert attendance advisers with decades of first-hand experience are to begin work to reduce pupil absence.

A report from the National Audit Office found that most maintained schools and academy trusts are in surplus, although some maintained secondary schools are under financial strain.

The 2021 Teacher Wellbeing Index, an annual report by charity Education Support in conjunction with YouGov, has found that teachers’ mental health is getting worse - not better - in several areas, compared to a year ago at the height of the Covid pandemic.

New Directions Education is appealing to teachers and education staff who may be retired or taking a break from the sector to go back to school and help address staffing shortages caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Education Committee has launched an inquiry examining how effectively post-16 qualifications, such as A levels, T levels, BTECs and apprenticeships, prepare young people for the world of work.

Universities will be required to improve outcomes for disadvantaged children by driving up education standards in schools and colleges in the local community, which could include providing activities like tutoring.

In the next phase of the £1bn Scottish Attainment Challenge, £200 million of funding has

Obesity rates in both reception-aged and year 6 schoolchildren increased by around 4.5 percentage points between 2019-20 and 2020-21 – the highest annual rise since the National Child Measurement Programme began.

An overwhelming 97% of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) providers say they are concerned about the time and capacity for mentoring in schools, according to the findings of a NASBTT survey

One-thousand air cleaning units will be DfE funded for special schools and alternative provision settings, allowing them to target poorly ventilated areas.

Social mobility charity Speakers for Schools has launched a national campaign to normalise conversations around mental health, empowering young people to feel confident in taking charge of their wellbeing.
