Research by publicly owned buying organisations YPO has found that 79% of education professionals believe that the Covid pandemic will have a lasting impact on teaching

Ofqual has published its new three-year plan, which sets out its ambition for qualifications to be sought after, fair, accessible, valued and world class.

‘School streets’ schemes have increased five-fold in less than four years and deliver low-cost interventions for cleaner, safer journeys to schools world-wide, according to new global analysis

On average, respondents to the NAHT survey are anticipating a 106 per cent increase in energy costs, with 16 per cent expecting an increase of 200 per cent or more

State-funded primary schools across the UK will be sent a free commemorative book in May to mark Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee.

Data revealing how schools are using the National Tutoring Programme will be published, helping parents to understand how their school is taking up the offer of Government-funded support to help pupils catch up on lost learning.

The Scottish Conservatives have launched a consultation on their Outdoor Education Bill, which proposes new legislation to ensure that all youngsters between 12-16 years old have the opportunity to experience at least one week of residential outdoor education.

A language, communication and reading project in Wales is the receive £290,000 from the Welsh Government so it can reach 2,000 more children.

Commission on Young Lives report aims to reduce school exclusions

A new report from the the Commission on Young Lives calls for all schools to become more inclusive.

The Base at Arden Grove Infant and Nursery School, a Specialist Resource Base (SRB) that supports children with managing their emotions and behaviour, has opened.

Sixty-eight per cent of people agree that schools should teach students about the dangers of far right extremism, according to polling from HOPE not hate campaign group.

The opening of the first secure school, intended to improve the life chances of children in custody, has been delayed by approximately three years, according to the National Audit Office.
