A report from the Education Committee says that rushing ahead with post-16 education reforms risks leaving young people stranded without suitable qualification pathways.

Almost 600 schools are located in the five areas of the UK found to have the overall worst air quality, according to a new report.

The Department for Education has published its response to a consultation on the national funding formula, which considers a range of factors such as the number of pupils, their needs and the school site.

The £2 billion investment will see a typical primary school receive approximately £35,000 and a typical secondary school approximately £200,000

The proportion of senior leaders reporting that they have cut trips and outings has more than doubled since last year, according to a Sutton Trust poll.

Leora Cruddas, chief executive of the Confederation of School Trusts, has warned that the sector "must be wary of a stale mate which could play out over many months”.

Ofsted has published a report exploring how multi-academy trusts' work is evaluated during inspections and their influence over their schools.

The Welsh Government has announced a new bursary and grant to increase the number of teachers who can speak Welsh.

Schools taking part in the Schools’ Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education (SAMHE) project will receive a free air quality monitor linked to an interactive Web App.

The free guide aims to help schools create simple and stress free mealtimes, against a backdrop of inflation, rising food and energy prices.

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL), for the first time in its history, will hold a formal ballot for national strike action in England.

A new report by Imperial College London confirms that school children are especially vulnerable to developing health complications as a result of poor air quality.
