The Education Show took place from 16-18 March at the NEC Birmingham and enabled everyone involved in education to come together and share ideas and innovative practices

According to BESA research, only 44 per cent of primary schools say they are well-resourced when it comes to broadband.

Design and technology is the study of how to think, develop and make a better world, and should be valued and nurtured in a post-Brexit UK

Fiona Riley, chair of the Institution of Occupational Safety examines the controls that can be put in place

How do we keep up the momentum of healthy school food? Linda Cregan, chief executive of the Children’s Food Trust, investigates

With the snap general election approaching fast, political parties are putting forward their pledges in a bid to gain as many votes as possible.

James Kelly, chief executive of the British Security Industry Association explains why ensuring that school security measures are of a high quality is key

Members of the School Travel Forum offer advice on how to manage the costs of planning UK-based school trips

In light of the government’s ‘super inquiry’ into urban toxic air, Christian Lickfett examines why indoor air quality can be ten times poorer than outside

A new understanding of the links between light and health have led to ‘humancentric’ lighting, which boosts vitality, promotes well-being and enhances productive capacity and concentration.

Leonie Greene and Holly Stower from the Solar Trade Association discuss the cost and carbon savings that can be achieved from solar PV systems

Since the Chancellor announced in the Spring Budget that £216 million will be invested into refurbishing existing schools there have been concerns over whether this sum will be enough

Jessica Cumming, solicitor at Gordons law firm, considers the process and explores the practical steps towards conversion

How can teachers be expected to adequately support children’s mental wellbeing without support themselves? Julian Stanley CEO at the Education Support Partnership shares some tips

With warmer weather upon us, schools should review their outdoor play facilities and upgrade those that are worn or fail to excite children

There are many schools demonstrating excellent and inclusive SEND practice, but there is still more to do to to ensure there is high quality provision across England

School sports flooring plays a pivotal role in keeping pupils fit and safe, says Nick Egan

Winter months pose a number of additional dangers to both pupils and school staff. RoSPA’s Nathan Davies offers advice on how to tackle them with a ‘risk aware’ attitude.


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