The new Ofsted framework will have a separate judgement for behaviour and attitudes. To help schools with this, Imogen Rowley offers some high impact approaches to managing behaviour

Considering the demands associated with being a teacher, ensuring staff are properly rewarded for the work they do is crucial, writes Gail Cohen


Schools gather, store and analyse surprisingly large amounts of private data, which is a hot commodity for hackers. Dr. Kelly Calhoun Williams discusses how to strengthen cybersecurity in schools

Many schools have opened up about how they have to take on additional roles such as cleaning as the budgets to pay for such services has decreased. Education Business investigates the issue

The UK has passed into law a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. So is it possible to have a net zero carbon school building?

An updated handbook to help improve the financial management and governance of academy schools has been issued by the EFSA, with guidance on compliance, risk, pay and whistleblowing

With the Department for Education currently reviewing its School Food Standards, the Soil Association is calling for a compulsory  meat-free day with meals based around beans and pulses

Flixton Girls School

The Youth Sport Trust’s National School Sport Week 2019 took part 24-28 June and saw thousands of children, organisations and schools engage in sport and physical activity.

The government, local authorities and developers need to make a concerted effort to work collaboratively to meet pupil place demand, according to a report from Scape Group

School breaktimes are much shorter than they were two decades ago, meaning children are missing out on opportunities to play, make friends, develop social skills and exercise.

Every school will have the opportunity to take part in ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ between 24 to 28 June to celebrate the power of PE and school sport to improve young people’s wellbeing.

From 'walking buses' to road closures, schools across the country took action to reduce their impact on air pollution on Clean Air Day

From educating pupils about the dangers of false alarms, to considering the flammability of paper display boards, fire safety in schools is more complex than you think


Getting children engaged in technical subjects from an early age is one way to improve the STEM skills gap. Our expert panel from KidZania London discuss

The ‘share of savings’ cost model from procurement consultants is designed to enable the buyer to pay no upfront costs but instead pay a percentage of the savings that are achieved

Cricket at St Josephs

A new Pitch Grading Framework from the Institute of Groundsmanship will allow schools to showcase the quality of their sports turf facilities, as well as the expertise of their grounds teams

On 4 July this year, schools from the primary, secondary and independent sectors will once again be recognised for innovation and leadership in the 12th Education Business Awards

Many schools built between the 1950s and 1980s may contain asbestos, so how can they ensure people aren’t exposed to it? Fiona Riley from IOSH explores the issue
