With the cold spell upon us, schools must make sure they have a functional plan in place to keep students and staff safe from accidents caused by adverse weather, writes Nathan Davies from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)

Pat Bullen, nasen consultant and SEND Pathfinder lead at Leicester City Council, discusses the new arrangements for assessment and the introduction of EHC (education, health and care) plans – core components of the SEND reforms

Elliot Hall of London-based social enterprise Promusic LDN talks about how using mixing software in the classroom can engage students and help them explore musical concepts

The start of the new academic year witnesses an important first for the communications and content industries with the opening of the Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy in Greenwich, which will be the first Academy in the UK to specialise in digital media, preparing generations for the digital age and encouraging them to consider careers in the communications industries.

Education Business looks at schools that have had their dilapidated school buildings rebuilt as part of the government’s Priority School Building Programme, as well as some projects in the pipeline

After five years of decline, schools’ stationery expenditure starts to move up again, finds BESA’s latest research

Although positive steps have been taken to tackle childhood obesity, the looming health crisis has not gone away. Education Business looks at the risks we face and what is being done

Rachel Toms, leader of the Design Council’s Active by Design programme, looks at how the physical fabric of a school can be altered to encourage a more active lifestyle among school children

Outdoor learning can be viewed as a series of building blocks, from exploring school grounds to group expeditions. Andy Robinson of the Institute for Outdoor Learning explains further

If the quality of teaching that children experience is the most important factor in their attainment, why has there traditionally been so little emphasis on professional development for educators? The Sutton Trust’s Lee Elliot Major discusses the key elements of effective performance management

The Food for Life Partnership aims to help children understand the link between growing and cooking, and in doing so, to revolutionise school meals. Jo Wild reports

With the autumn term under way and the evenings getting darker, a top priority for schools should be ensuring the safety of staff and pupils. Judith Denny of the British Security Industry Association discusses how access control solutions and perimeter security can offer peace of mind

When it comes to that impending interview with the auditors, academy principals all to often wish they’d made better use of their chief financial officer, writes the Independent Academies Association’s Vice Chair, Gareth Dawkins

Schools that install solar PV can benefit from reduced electricity bills, revenue generation, reduced CO2 emissions, as well as improved education and engagement. Here’s how Eco-Schools can help schools on their solar journey

The British Educational Suppliers Association’s (BESA) Caroline Wright outlines a hopeful future for schools as investment in this key area appears to be on the increase

The 2014 Education Business Awards honoured schools, academies and colleges from all over the country that have taken innovative steps towards achieving excellence for pupils

Performance management software will play an increasingly important role in maintaining and improving standards in UK schools, and can help managers to use their training budgets more effectively. Deputy head Maura Favell describes the impact it has made on The Polesworth School

Learning technology association Naace offers two examples of schools where investment in ICT education has helped deliver a curriculum that engages and inspires pupils
