Having charging facilities on a school site allows staff that drive electric vehicles to charge whilst at work and can help with a school’s wider sustainability agenda
Schools looking to take advantage of the new funding scheme for electric vehicle charge points should consider a number of things before embarking on an EV infrastructure project.
A significant transformation is needed for education institutions to hit the goal of being carbon neutral by 2030. So what are the first steps that can be taken? Dr Sally Uren, chief executive at Forum for the Future, offers some advice
The DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy included many positive new policies. But did it go far enough? Suzanne Gibbon from the Let’s Go Zero campaign shares her views
The COP26 summit encouraged schools to get engaged with climate action and encourage conversations about the environment and energy efficiency. Here’s what schools got up to
As part of the government’s climate targets, the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme has been launched to cut harmful emissions from public sector buildings, including schools
Schools are being urged to make themselves aware of upcoming changes to government energy legislations that will affect their businesses and management of their energy consumption.
Smart Energy GB has been working to encourage pupils across Great Britain to engage with energy efficiency in order to support long-term energy behaviour change
Kim Somerville, campaign coordinator for Learning Away, explains what pupils, teachers and schools can gain from high-quality residential experiences over the winter months
With the average school energy bill in the UK coming to £31,000, Eco-Schools England looks at small changes that can make a big difference to the energy efficiency of your school.