According to a snapshot survey by the Association of Directors of Children’s Services, there has been a 38% increase in children being electively home schooled since last year.

Ofqual has published research on the student exam performance pattern known as the ‘sawtooth effect.’

A new Alternative Provision Research Network is being launched, bringing together academic experts and practitioners across the country to improve the lives of children in Alternative Provision (AP) education.

Families in Northern Ireland with children eligible for Free School Meals will receive food grants during school holidays from Christmas 2020 and will run until Easter 2022.

An interim report has been published from the working group set up to strengthen education resources relating to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in Wales.

The winning design will be chosen by the First Minister and used as his official Christmas card, being sent to the Queen and President-elect  Joe Biden, amongst many others.

Union NAHT has said that the government is looking for the wrong solution to the problem of balancing the national budget.

As part of the government's ten point plan to make the UK greener, £1 billion has been earmarked to make homes and public sector buildings, including schools, greener.

New research reveals a quarter of British parents (26 per cent) admit to being baffled when it comes to their kids’ homework, with maths being the subject where help is most needed.

The paper examing Covid-19 in schools in Scotland shows there is no direct evidence that transmission of the virus within schools plays a significant role in driving rates of infection among children.

Sixty-four per cent of state-funded secondaries had one or more pupils self-isolating due to potential contact with a case of coronavirus inside the school, up from 38% last week

Union NAHT has published its report from the School Improvement Commission, which highlights the need for greater support and professional development for teachers and leaders
