Welsh Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Board meet

Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Board meet

The inaugural meeting of the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Board (TRRB) has been held in order to consider issues of teacher recruitment and retention.

The Board also aims to support a high-quality education workforce that is vibrant, engaged and committed to continuous learning for all and also able to meet the demands of curriculum and wider education reform.

The TRRB will provide the challenge, rigour and quality assurance to inform key areas of workforce planning policy development, including implications arising from the Welsh Language Strategy – Cymraeg 2050.

The Board will also provide expert advice to the Welsh Government on the continued progress of ITE reform and supporting the existing teaching workforce, taking into account excellent practice elsewhere in the UK and internationally.

The Board is chaired by Professor John Gardner, Deputy Principal (Education and Students) at the University of Stirling.

Education secretary, Kirsty Williams, said: “Our teachers are absolutely integral to our National Mission. A profession that collaborates, is open to new ideas and is always learning - raising standards for all pupils so Wales can become a world leader in education.”

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